Straighten Your Smile

Clear Aligners in Orlando

Beautiful smile and white teeth of a young woman

What is Clear Aligner Therapy?

Clear aligner therapy is a discreet way to straighten your smile, without traditional metal braces. Removable and nearly invisible when worn, SureSmile clear aligners make it easy to maintain your oral hygiene and enjoy all of your favorite foods, plus, no one has to know you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment unless you want them to!

The Subtle Way To Align Your Smile

The Benefits

Discover the transformative power of clear aligner therapy, a subtle solution for a perfect smile.

Close up of female toothy smile

Invisible Comfort

Clear Aligner Therapy offers an almost invisible treatment that fits seamlessly into your life. Imagine straightening your teeth without anyone noticing, allowing you to smile with newfound confidence.

Smiley middle aged Caucasian couple during jogging workout on the beach. Jogging workout.

Customized For You

Each SureSmile aligner is custom-made for you, ensuring optimal comfort and effectiveness. This personalized approach guarantees a perfect fit for your unique dental structure, leading to quicker, more noticeable results.

Happy smiling man looking away

Easy Maintenance

With clear aligner therapy, maintenance is a breeze. The aligners are removable, allowing for easy cleaning and no dietary restrictions, so you can maintain your oral hygiene routine and continue to enjoy all of your favorite foods during treatment. Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional braces.

What to Expect

The Clear Aligner Treatment Process


Consultation and Examination

Your journey to a brighter smile starts with a comprehensive consultation and examination. Dr. Vanessa Leon will assess your dental needs, discuss your esthetic goals, and determine if clear aligners are the right choice for you.


Custom Treatment Plan

Leveraging the latest technology, a custom treatment plan is created just for you. This involves 3D imaging of your teeth to design aligners that fit perfectly and gradually shift your teeth into their desired position.


Wearing Your Aligners & Next Steps

You'll receive your clear aligners, designed to be comfortable and virtually invisible. You'll wear them 22 hours a day, removing them only for eating and cleaning. Regular check-ins with Dr. Leon will ensure everything is progressing as planned.

beautiful young lady holding coffee

Types of Misalignments

What Can Clear Aligners Treat?


Overcrowding is a common dental issue where lack of jaw space causes teeth to overlap and twist. Clear aligners effectively reposition your teeth, creating a more balanced and appealing smile.

Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth can affect your confidence and oral health. Our clear aligners gently guide your teeth into their correct positions, giving you a straight, healthy smile you'll love to show off.

Spacing & Gaps

Do you have uneven spacing or gaps between your teeth? Clear aligners can close these gaps, resulting in a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile.


An overbite, where the upper teeth protrude over the lower ones, can lead to various dental issues. Clear aligners gradually correct this misalignment, improving your bite and overall oral health.

Open Bite

An open bite—when upper and lower teeth don’t touch when the mouth is closed—can cause speech and chewing difficulties. Clear aligners can effectively treat this condition, enhancing your oral functionality.

SureSmile Retainers

After your teeth have been realigned, SureSmile Retainers help maintain their new positions. These custom-made retainers ensure your smile stays perfect, long after your treatment.

Find Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about Preventive Dentistry? Find answers here.

How often do I need to wear my clear aligners?

For optimal results, it's recommended that you wear your clear aligners for 20-22 hours a day. This might seem like a lot, but the beauty of clear aligners is that they're virtually invisible, allowing you to comfortably and discreetly transform your smile.

Can I eat and drink with clear aligners?

To maintain the integrity of your clear aligners, it's advised that you remove them before eating or drinking anything other than water. This helps to prevent staining and potential damage to your aligners.

How do I clean and maintain clear aligners?

Clear aligners are easy to clean and maintain. Simply remove your aligners and rinse them under lukewarm water. Use dish soap and an extra-soft toothbrush to gently scrub away any plaque or food particles. Remember, never use hot water as it can warp the plastic.

Looking For A New Dentist?

$69 New Patient Special

$69 New Patient Special

This exclusive offer includes a thorough exam and dental x-rays for new patients. It's a great way to experience our caring practice!

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  • X-rays

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Annual Membership Plan

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